Big Bad London


Now that our trip is over we are tuning in to the fun things that you can do in London. One day a week Im back at college learning more about textile printing and Chris is challenging his braincells with a MA.

I know London can have a bad rep for being unfriendly, mean spirited and rushed but today I had a totally different London experience. However it didn’t start off well. I got to the tube station and realised that I had left my wallet at home along with my travel card. I could go back home and get it and be very late for my appointment or try and persuade that tube station guard to let me in. I chose the latter. It must have been my hopeless story about it being my first day of college and I would be late and look like a bad student and never be able to face my classmates again…He said I reminded him of his teenage son starting back at school….ahem…..a few years difference between us and I really should have known better but it got me onto the tube.

At lunchtime I was sat having my packed lunch which I DID remember. I got talking to another lady and the story of my forgotten wallet came up. She also took pity on me. I think she was worried I had the rest of the afternoon to get through without money for snacks. She insisted I took two of her oatcakes, two slices of lemon, a piece of dark chocolate and 20 pence!

Before the day was out one of my classmates had bought me a cup of coffee and lent me five pounds to get home. So today my stereotype of Londoners was challenged. What negative views are you holding onto? This was also the question asked by a good friend of mine, Shona MacPherson who is a fitness coach. Her advice was to “become aware of the negative beliefs you hold. With time as you become aware maybe you can chip away at them and try and replace them with truer and more helpful ones. There is a goodness and a kindness in all of us”


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